Victory brought to me: a 12 oz. bottle of Yakima Twilight Ale. (Sorry, no rhymes.)
It's fitting to start with a brew from Downington, Pa's Victory Brewing Company -- just a short sled ride east on Rt. 30 from my apartment in Wayne. I'm surprised it's taken me so long to taste this beer, which replaces Hop Wallop as Victory's November to January offering, as heaps of praise have been tossed its way.
Fortunately, the wait's over.
The label reads,
The Yakima Valley of Washington is the heartland of American hops, having contributed uniquely flavorful varieties that have helped to redefine American brewing. Late summer harvest yields the bounty that builds this exciting ale. Vibrant and aromatic, this is their moment of glory as the vines have withered by the time you sip this. Dark malts warm the hops' bright edge bringing harmony to the finish. Rest well hop roots. Spring will come and we'll be thirsty again!
Now that's a description. I challenge you to read it without salivating or arriving at the last line holding your cap over your heart as you wish these noble hops a well deserved winter rest.
I let this warm a bit then poured it into my Duvel tulip. Pours a dense mahogany brown, tinged orange, with a 1/2 finger of fluffy tan head. The aroma roars up the walls of the glass, bursting forth with notes of piney citrus backed by rich, bready malts. First sip begins with the same hop intensity: sharp, dry, bitter hoppy in the best sense of the word. Then the Munich malts kick in, countering the citrus edge with an almost roasted graininess. The bitterness hangs on, leaving the mouth dry but thirsting for another sip. This stuff is 8.7% abv, and that's apparent, though not unwelcome or overbearing in anyway. Full-bodied, chewy -- this is a good sipping beer and a beaut to look at, as the tan head begins to dissipate, its last vestiges clinging nicely to the side of glass in sticky rings.
What will my true love bring tomorrow? Be sure to come back and find out!
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